Oakville-Burlington Real Estate Update

Tuesday Jun 07th, 2022


Oakville-Burlington...May 2022 residential re-sale housing sales summary as reported by the Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board and the Realtors Association of Hamilton-Burlington...


Active Listings: 342       

#of Sales May 2022: 212   

Months of Inventory: 1.61


Active Listings: 384       

#of Sales May 2022: 293     

Months of Inventory: 1.31  

0-3 Months = Seller’s Market     

3-4 Months = Balanced Market     

4+ Months = Buyer’s Market

*The average home price is found by adding the value of all sales and dividing by the number of homes.
*The median sale price is the midpoint of all sales.
Source: Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board (OMDREB) and Realtors Association of Hamilton-Burlington (RAHB).
Statistics are never 100% accurate - they are a tool to be used in conveying a pattern that reflects trends and changes.

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